Eco-Friendly Home Cleaning Solutions


Eco-Friendly Cleaning

That won’t cost the world


I have wanted to share some of the ways I try to reduce my impact when it comes to the very boring households task of cleaning and washing. Here are a few ways I approach cleaning my home and how I choose and purchase products.

  • Use natural/ biodegradable solutions where possible. I use a lot of White Cleaning Vinegar and/ or baking soda. These are harder to find in normal shops but are easier to find at low waste shops where you can refill items or online like here

  • I refill items locally when possible. Washing up / Dish soap, Laundry liquid, fabric conditioner, hand soap and more can often be filled at natural food stores in urban centers. Yes this is a bit more effort, but think of your reduced plastic foot print!

  • If refill stations are not near you, try buying in bulk. I either buy directly from brands, or from shops like Ethical Superstore or Big Green Smile in the UK ( please email me for other countries) I get large 5 L jugs of common cleaning products like floor cleaning, sanitiser and many others. and I also buy a lot of family beauty productsand household items from these stores as well.

  • Consider newer water-free alternatives. Ocean Saver makes smaller tablet like concentrates that you add water to reuse your spray bottles you have.

  • Clothing made of polyester is washed in my Guppy Friend Bag and when I had a dry I used @ecozone dryer balls to reduce drying time. I also have an Eco-Egg for washing my clothes. I personally find it is not enough to really clean but have it in every wash but also usually add about a ½-1 cap of liquid laundry detergent as well - thereby reducing the amount of liquid I am using. works a treat!

  • I also buy washable dusters, sponges and cloths and use natural rubber gloves for cleaning.

Remember to recycle your plastic containers, and I hope you find these tips helpful!

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