Why Boosting your Vibe is key to Midlife Magic
I know, I know, it sounds a bit Woo Woo this whole “Raise your Vibration thing” it brings up hippy drippy unicorn and rainbows….. and the concept of "raising your vibration" might seem like one more thing on your “To Do” list… but bear with me.
What exactly is meant by "raising your vibration" and why does it matter? Firstly, raising your vibe really means lifting your spirits, raising your mood, and paying attention to the aspects of your life that bring joy. This also relates to your thoughts, so have a look at this post on Limiting Beliefs and more empowered thinking.
There is lots of evidence that supports cultivating a positive outlook. (*) I have written about this a few times recently but as someone juggling roles as an entrepreneur, freelancer, parent, spouse, friend, and more, I understand first-hand the challenges of balancing everything.
When navigating everything from tending to family responsibilities, running businesses to nurturing relationships, we can feel a little stretched thin and when we feel depleted and low, we have a harder time finding solutions to problems and simply coping with everything, making life a bit more challenging.
It’s Not ignoring reality or spiritually bypassing
Mood-boosting doesn't entail escaping reality or ignoring real challenges or feelings. I strongly encourage to allow feelings of anger, despair, discouragement, and frustration to flow through, AND THEN MOVE ON.
Instead, learning to raise your vibe acknowledges the profound impact our thoughts, emotions, and energy levels have on our well-being and how we move and react in this world. This idea is supported in emerging research across neuroscience, psychology, and functional medicine.
Why it matters
The Factual benefits of Raising your vibe, lifting your mood, and “looking to the bright side” are:
1. Neuroplasticity: Our brain's ability to reorganize and form new connections in response to experiences is well-documented. Positive thoughts and emotions can stimulate neural pathways associated with happiness and resilience. Engaging in practices like gratitude exercises can strengthen these pathways, making it more automatic each time you do it.
2. Stress Reduction: Numerous studies highlight the benefits of mindfulness practices such as meditation and deep breathing exercises to reduce stress levels and enhance emotional well-being, ultimately improving overall quality of life.
3. Boost Immunity: Chronic stress and negative emotions can weaken the immune system, leaving individuals more susceptible to illness. Conversely, cultivating positive emotions can bolster immune function and resilience.(**)
So, how can we raise our vibration?
Practice Gratitude: Regularly acknowledging the good things in life can shift our focus toward positivity + abundance. Writing down these moments in a journal amplifies their impact and in turn cultivates looking for positive events in your world which becomes a positive cycle in your life.
Mindfulness Practices: I have talked about meditation and mindfulness a few times now ( full article here) , but the benefits cannot be exaggerated. Set aside time each day for mindfulness practices such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga. These activities can help you cultivate present-moment awareness and reduce stress.
Nourish Your Body: Prioritize nutritious foods, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep to support your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. A healthy body lays the groundwork for feeling good + optimistic about your life and the future.
Set Boundaries: The power of a well-placed “No Thank you” and an “I cannot do that” is brilliant. Learn to say no to activities and commitments that drain your energy or contribute to stress. Setting boundaries is essential for preserving your emotional health as well as your energy levels.
Get Support: Surround yourself with supportive friends, mentors, and colleagues who uplift and inspire you. Building a strong support network is crucial for to helping you enjoy the success you wish to create, along with the balance to have the time to enjoy it!
Book your complimentary session to learn about 1 to 1 mentoring to get you to the next level in your life as an entrepreneur and leader of yourself and your family/community.
So as women in the middle of our lives, who know what we know but have a lot of responsibilities getting into the concept of raising our vibration and incorporating evidence-based strategies into daily life enhances well-being, increases productivity, and cultivates a feeling of fulfillment and contribution which brings us joy and satisfaction to live in alignment, and of course, in our Zones of Genius!
Raising your vibe is not just unicorns and rainbows, it is an evidence-based way of life that reduces stress, breeds happiness and basically makes the challenges we face easier to overcome.
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